It’s simple, children need to be adjusted because they have spines as we all do. Children need to see a chiropractor maybe more so than adults because of their activity levels.
As a child grows they are learning how to walk, how to ride bikes, how to play sports and with all that comes falling, tripping, and stumbling. All of these things create trauma in the body, which creates misalignments and shifts creating a strain on the nervous system.
A child receives their first subluxation at birth. When the child is born either naturally or via c-section, the first subluxation occurs in the neck when the child is extracted from the mother. We know that upper cervical subluxation can be a cause for sudden infant death syndrome, so it is very important that every child has a spine check-up and adjustments.
As a child grows they are subject to the harsh realities of life. They may fall down a couple stairs or fall off the changing table. They may be tackled by a friend or tumble out of their crib when they’re starting to walk. Any time a trauma happens there’s spinal misalignments. Those have to be minimized in order for the child to be healthy.
Chiropractic care isn’t about how you feel. It’s about how you function. If you fall or have any kind of trauma your function is going to be affected, no matter how old you are. So get your child a spinal check-up today. Their immune system with get a boost and they’ll grow up big and strong.
For more information ask Dr. B at [email protected]
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