Healing happens from the inside out and from the top down. Meaning from your brain, down your spinal column to all parts of your body. In the Chiropractic community, they call this ADIO, which stands for Above Down Inside Out.
Your brain sends healing messages and it tells your immune system how to work, which heals your body, as well as controlling sleep patterns and a whole range of other functions. When we’re looking at healing, it will always start in the brain and it will travel down the spinal cord to all parts of the body.
This is a difficult concept for many because western medicine has conditioned us to believe that we are to force health from outside in by taking medications or certain supplements. Medications work by influencing the brain and your brain chemistry. It manipulates how your brain sends messages to the body. Medications don’t actually go to the affected body parts. For example, if you have a backache, the medication doesn’t go straight to your back and help with healing. Instead, it tells your brain to send a message to your lower back that everything is ok.
Medication alters your brain chemistry so that it doesn’t perceive pain the way it did before. So it actually doesn’t do anything for the affected area, it just masks the problem. This is one of the reasons that a person could keep re-injuring themselves. If they are taking medication for their pain, they may think that they are feeling better when in reality the medication is just covering up the fact that they are in pain so that they can function. This is an example of how we try to shove health from the outside in.
CBP Chiropractors always encourage people to take care of the body they have and it will function normally. If your body is malfunctioning you have to ask yourself why. It’s usually because your brain or your spinal cord is malfunctioning due to a spinal misalignment.
If it begins to function abnormally that is when it is time to see your CBP Chiropractor. Getting a check-up is the first step to healing yourself from the inside out. The doctor will be able to examine you and determine the best course of action to help encourage your body to heal itself by addressing those spinal misalignments. So call and get checked-up today!
For more information ask Dr. B at [email protected]
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