Once the weather turns cold, our immune systems are onslaught with attacks from colds and the flu. It seems like everyone around you has one or the other. There are ways to protect yourself and stay healthy.
Supplements, Vitamins, and Herbs!
Our bodies are amazing organisms that have the ability to heal themselves. One of the ways we can help it along is by adding much-needed supplements to our daily regimen. Here is a list of supplements that can help boost your immune system and keep you out of the sick bed.
- Elderberry – the Danes have been using this as a health elixir for centuries. Elderberry extract has been found to cut the length of the flu to three days and has also been known to kill several viruses. It is an all natural health remedy.
- Garlic – found in just about every kitchen in the known world. This tuber has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Next time you’re feeling a little run down, add some fresh garlic to your sandwich or salad and get an immune boost.
- Vitamin C – This classic home remedy is one we don’t get enough of it. However, it can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi and brussels sprouts, to name a few. Making a quick salad out of these ingredients can not only stave off colds but also tastes amazing.
- Ginger – Not only is ginger a powerful antioxidant, but it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. It also helps to relieve nausea and can help you get your appetite back. Eating ginger can also help to cleanse your lymphatic system. Sprinkle ginger in your tea, water or add it to your favorite meal for a little zing and let your body reap the benefits.
Clean Eating
Clean eating can give your body a much needed immune boost by cleaning out your organs and helping them to function correctly. By eating cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli and lettuces, you’re giving your body a boost and detoxifying your liver. Eating foods high in vitamins like D and C can give your immune system a kick start and stave off colds. Eating foods high in sugar while you’re sick can lengthen the stay of your cold, increase the inflammation and increase the build-up of mucus causing you to become more stuffy and less able to breathe. So do yourself a favor and eat clean.
Drink plenty of fluids
Not just fluids but water in particular. It is important to keep hydrated, especially in the winter. We tend to drink less water when it’s cold because we’re not sweating it out. So, be mindful to drink water, even when you don’t think you need it. We’re made up of mostly water. When we become dehydrated, we are allowing ourselves to become run down and that’s when your immune system can become compromised and we can get sick. Water also helps our bodies to flush out toxins and impurities, which helps keep our systems working at an optimal level.
Get plenty of rest
When we’re constantly on the go we forget to take care of ourselves, that includes not getting enough sleep. As with not getting enough water when you don’t get enough sleep you are also compromising yourself. You’re allowing your body to become run down and opening it up to attack. The best way to make sure you’re getting enough sleep is to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up the same time every day. This will create a natural sleep cycle that your body will be able to function optimally on.
Help yourself stay healthy.
These are things that we can do on regular basis and if you are already doing them, keep up the good work. For many, we need constant reminders of how to care for our bodies. Do you have any immune boosting remedies you can recommend? Let us know in the comments below.
If you have further questions about how to boost your immune system or creating a healthy lifestyle contact Dr. B at Active Family Chiropractic.
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