The short answer is no.
We hear it often when we take yoga classes and instructional videos. However, your spine cannot be re-aligned by yoga.
If you look at how your body functions. The structure of your spine dictates the function of your muscles. Therefore, if you have a spinal situation such as scoliosis, which is a three-part movement of your spine, a rotation, a shift, and a bending of your spine to the side, there is absolutely nothing you can do in yoga that will take and shift those movements in the other direction.
CBP, Chiropractic Biophysics, adjustments are specifically designed to reduce scoliosis and are the only types of adjustments which can help in the re-alignment of your spine. Anyone with bad spinal structure will not be able to get that segment to go back to the normal alignment by doing yoga.
Yoga is for the muscles and ligaments, it’s not for the spine. Yoga is good for you because it helps you to stay limber and stretch your muscles but it does not re-align your spine. It is not a substitution for spinal adjustments.
So you should still get your spine checked by a CBP chiropractor so that you can have a healthy spine and do yoga as a supplement.
For more information contact Dr. B at [email protected]
Sadly, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I broke my back in 2 places and yoga saved my back! Yoga is absolutely about the spine, alignment, weight bearing and precision. Proper, precise, consistent practice realigned bones in my foot, knee and back by loosening things enough for the proper alignment to naturally happen, which it did. The west has turned into exercise which is what never meant to be. Most western teachers have no idea how to use yoga in this way but I do and it’s absolutely possible.