People often wonder if CBP (Chiropractic Biophysics) care can help with snoring, insomnia, and sleep apnea. The important thing to remember about any physical malady is to figure out where the problem is coming from. It is important to understand what is going on. Why is it happening?
Ask some questions.
Is it physically related? Is someone suffering from insomnia because they have an imbalance in their brain chemistry which is creating an adrenaline dump so that they’re amped up all the time? Or are food choices causing insomnia? Are you drinking coffee or caffeine too close to bedtime?
It could be that you are subluxated. If your body isn’t working correctly then your body cannot function correctly because the nerves that are controlling those body parts are compressed by the spinal subluxation.
The first thing you have to do is ask questions. Why is this happening? Once you can figure out what the cause is then you can apply an appropriate solution.
Can CBP adjustments help?
We have found at Active Family Chiropractic some people who have previously been suffering from snoring, sleep apnea, and insomnia have found relief through CBP adjustments. There have also been people who have needed additional help.
Those are individuals with deviated septums, for example, or a physical deformity which causes the snoring or the sleep apnea. In those cases, they will not be able to stop snoring or stop having sleep apnea without some sort of intervention such as surgery or a machine.
CBP care helps a lot of different people with a lot of different ailments if it’s related to subluxations in the spine. If it’s a deformity of some sort of structural component such as a deviated septum, then most likely it’s not nervous system pressure which is causing the problem it’s the actual structure that is causing the problem. Structure always dictates function.
Go to your CBP chiropractor.
It is important to start by asking why is this happening. What are some factors that are contributing to my snoring, insomnia, and/or sleep apnea? The place to do that is with your CBP chiropractor. The doctor can ask those important questions so you can better understand how your body functions and if your snoring, insomnia, and/or sleep apnea are caused by your structure or by a subluxation. So make an appointment with your CBP chiropractor today and maybe you could get a good night sleep tonight.
For more information ask Dr. B at [email protected]
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