Losing one’s balance can happen to anyone. It could be any number of reasons why you or a loved one is losing their balance and getting a checkup with a CBP Chiropractor could help fix the issue.
Cause: Improper Alignment
CBP has helped a lot of people and their balance, especially older people who feel like they are off-balance. Balance problems sometimes come from the way that the spine is shaped. If your spine is very shifted to the right, gravity is going to pull you to the right and you will feel like you are going to fall over, especially as you get older and you start to lose some of the muscle strength that would normally right yourself.
Older people are always falling because they lose their balance, a lot of the time because their spine is shifted. So they are either falling forward because their head is forward and their body is pulled forward or they’re falling to the side because their spine is shifted.
Cause: Inner ear issues
Sometimes balance problems can come from the inner ear. Sometimes as people get older they have more ear wax buildup or they have nerve damage to their ear which can throw off their balance in a major way.
It really depends on what the problem is. If a person has been diagnosed with some type of inner ear problem, like damage to the nerve in the ear, then probably the adjustments won’t help with the balance issues. However, if it is something like impacted ear wax or pressure on the nerve from the neck area, where the nerves control the ear function, then absolutely the corrective adjustments can help.
Seeing a CBP Chiropractor can help you determine a course of action.
It’s just about finding out what’s wrong first. Finding out where the loss of balance is coming from. Is it coming from the inner ear, or a neck subluxation, or the way that your body is shaped? That is the first thing to figure out because then a CBP Chiropractor can figure out whether or not they can help. So start by making an appointment with your CBP Chiropractor and get a check-up. You don’t have to live with poor balance.
For more information ask Dr. B at [email protected].
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