Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants…just a little? Why is it that the older you get the more frequently that happens? So why do people pee?
It’s more common than you think.
It is a common problem as people get older, especially for women. In particular, women who have had children, they tend to have trouble with bladder control. Sometimes, it’s structural, meaning that there was some damage done to the body parts from pregnancy, labor, and delivery. But often times it’s not that at all.
The nerves that control the bladder comes from the lower back area. They control not only the bladder itself but the muscles around the bladder to help it function properly. If you don’t have the right structure in your low back it can put pressure on your lumbar nerves that control your bladder and functionality.
If this is happening to me, where can I start to correct it?
If you are having issues like that, one of the first places to start is by seeing your CBP (Chiropractic Biophysics) Chiropractor and getting a check up on your lower back. The doctor will check your low back structure to make sure that is normal because if the nerve pressure is great enough it will absolutely create problems with the function of the bladder, thereby leading to a small amount of urine coming out when you laugh or sneeze or jump.
Nobody really talks about it but it does happen to people a lot. It’s a very common problem that can be easily solved.
Are there exercises I can do along with seeing my CBP Chiropractor?
Kegel exercises are very helpful because they help to strengthen the pelvic floor for men and women. Also, women should consider buying Ben Wa balls. They are recommended by Gynecologists. The way they work is when inserted they give your pelvic muscles something to contract against, therefore making the Kegel exercises more effective. Please consult your OBGYN before use.
The best exercises are those prescribed by your CBP chiropractor. Starting with a checkup to make sure that your lower back is in alignment and that your lumbar nerves are not compressed and following up with exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor will ward off incontinence.
For more information contact Dr. B at [email protected].
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