To say all Chiropractors are the same is to say that there is only one doctor for all medical needs from childbirth to surgery. Although that may have been true in the 1600’s, modern medical personnel are as varied in their specialty as there are fish in the sea. The same is true for Chiropractors and CBP chiropractors are the specialists in their field.
What is CBP?
CBP or Chiropractic BioPhysics is the most researched type of Chiropractic care. Education for these Chiropractors does not end with the 3-5 years of Chiropractic schooling. It will include yearly seminars on advancements in their technique as well as the research, clinical trials and writing of studies in order to gain advanced certifications.
CBP uses measurable and repeatable results to show progress. By using x-rays and orthopedic tests, they can track a person’s progress which is seen in the photo below.
So just how different is CBP from other types of Chiropractic care?
It is different in every aspect except for the use of some similar style techniques learned in Chiropractic school. To start, the analysis of the spine is different. CBP Chiropractors do a thorough exam of the spine including orthopedic tests and x-rays to determine structural issues. Other Chiropractors typically will not take x-rays and will begin to adjust just through a cursory exam using palpations of the spine or thermo-scans which are not definitive for diagnosing subluxations, as they need to be seen on x-ray.
Why are x-rays important?
X-rays are important because they will show definitively what is wrong with the spine. X-rays will show subluxations, but it will also show things that could potentially be dangerous to adjust, like a broken bone. If it’s a hairline fracture, that isn’t something that can be felt through palpations. To adjust without being able to see what exactly is going on in the spine can be dangerous.
Once x-rays are done, what’s next?
Once we know what the issues are with the spine, the technique used is vastly different from other chiropractic care. CBP chiropractors do mirror-image adjustments versus what is learned in chiropractic school, which is a non-specific type of adjustment. CBP targets specific issues you have with your spine.
For example, if your lower back aches, the issue might be that you are carrying your head too far forward and it is putting extra pounds of pressure on your lower spine. This issue would be identified by a CBP chiropractor through their exams and x-rays.
What are mirror-image adjustments?
Mirror-image adjustments are used by CBP chiropractors to counteract re-occurring subluxations. For example, if you come into the office and you have a rotated spine, a CBP chiropractor will adjust in the opposite direction to counteract that imbalance. Over time this type of adjustment helps to change the structure of the spine to neutral.
What is traction?
Traction helps retrain ligaments and muscles, to stretch tight muscles and to strengthen weak muscles. This is an important component to sustaining spinal correction.
How else is CBP different?
CBP chiropractors typically do not use other modalities such as electro-stimulus machines. Those tend to be used by general chiropractors and physical therapists for symptoms and do nothing to correct spinal structure.
CBP Chiropractors look at healing your spine long term. They aren’t in it for the quick fix. You wouldn’t go to the gym and expect to go from fat to fit in one session, why would you expect the same from your spine? Your spine is the most important part of your body. CBP chiropractors want to help people by realigning their spines through focused adjustments and retraining your spine with traction. Continued CBP care will help to improve your quality of life.
For more questions about CBP chiropractics and their processes please email Dr. B. @
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