Is my spinal condition genetic?
Have you ever wondered if you were predisposed to a certain health because of your genetics? Unfortunately, new studies have found that your health issues may be influenced by your environment rather than your genetics.
Some spinal conditions are genetic. Very few though, only 10% of the overall diseases are genetic. There is a new branch of science called Epigenetics, and they’re studying gene strands, not just the genetic sequences. They are looking at breaking every person down to their gene sequences and they are discovering that just like your DNA is individualized, that the patterns of the genes are also individualized. So the chances of a parent passing down a genetic disease are very rare. However, we do see that there are 10% of disease processes that are genetically traceable.
What diseases do CBP Chiropractors look at?
In the CBP Chiropractic world, we look at some of the common ones like scoliosis, which has a genetic component to it. Rheumatoid (an autoimmune disease that affects the joints), metabolic (include diseases such as gout are directly or indirectly the result of infections), and psoriatic (which can develop from psoriasis) arthritis have genetic components to them. Most cancers and things like that have no genetic disposition. So spinal things aren’t passed down from generation to generation but we do also see is that posture habits exist.
What are some of the factors that cause my condition?
So you’re all sitting on the same crappy chairs as your parents that need to be replaced or you’re sleeping on hand-me-down furniture because it was given to you by your grandparents. Those choices that you make, whether it be through your spinal care, your diet, your exercise, whatever your parents do, they influence what you do as an adult. That’s how you start to see those spinal degeneration patterns come in.
For example, people with high blood pressure may think it’s genetic, however, it is because you were not exposed to a proper diet as a child and you may have had a diet full of salt and now you’re having trouble. Or your parents smoked around you, so now your arteries are already calcified, that was not your choice. Most of these issues are environmental or it’s self-inflicted, that is where most of these disease processes come from, except for 10%. People can’t blame their “genetics” anymore for the ills of their own health.
Can I reverse years of poor habits?
It all starts with a visit to your CBP Chiropractor. Once you have had a check-up the doctor will be able to identify what has been causing your spinal issues and develop a strategy to help you optimize your health, naturally. Living a healthy lifestyle, eating right and exercising can also help you to reverse some of the damage done. Either way, it is best to meet with a CBP doctor and start your path to health.
For more information talk to Dr. B at [email protected]
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